European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is the CAP financing instrument that supports rural development strategies and projects. It is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds).
The EAFRD budget for the period 2014-2020 amounts to approximately 100 billion euros. It will be spent during this period through the implementation of rural development programs that will run until the end of 2023.
The budget is distributed according to the following six priorities:
- promote knowledge transfer and innovation in the agriculture and forestry sectors, as well as in rural areas;
- improve the viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture and
- promote innovative agricultural technologies and sustainable forest management;
- promote the organization of the food chain, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture;
- promote the efficient use of resources and support the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors;
- restore, preserve and enhance ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry;
- promote social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas.
Each of these priorities contributes to the achievement of cross-cutting objectives related to innovation and the environment, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Measure 7.6.1 of the 2014-2020 EAFRD RDP in the Auvergne territory
This type of operation makes it possible to finance the implementation of the documents of objectives (DOCOB) of the Natura 2000 sites, through animation actions as provided for by article L. 414-2 of the environmental code. .
The support structures designated by the representatives of the local authorities and their grouping sitting on the steering committee to implement the documents of objectives are eligible (local authorities or their groupings, public establishments of the national parks) or, failing that, the services of the ‘State.
State services may also be eligible, without being designated within a steering committee of a Natura 2000 site, to carry out cross-cutting support missions for supporting structures for Natura 2000 animation as needed. identified at regional level (for example: actions relating to national action plans, actions linked to agricultural activities).
The attached application forms are to be used by project leaders: the grant application form and the forms relating to compliance with the rules of public procurement.
Files are filed on the fly.
As the 2014-2020 FEADER program is coming to an end, the call for applications will be closed on September 4, 2020 . Files received after this date will be returned to the applicant. The operations must be completed in 2022, the deadline for receipt of the last payment request is set at December 31, 2022 .
Help for Camping La Pommeraie
Our latest investments represented by the establishment of a children’s playground and the establishment of 10 chalets, some of which are on stilts (benefiting from an incredible view of the valley and the mountains) have been made thanks to support from the region. AUVERGNE RHONES ALPES and of and of the European Union within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD): Europe invests in rural areas.
These investments will allow us to promote our beautiful department of Cantal, so you will reside in a comfortable installation with the possibility of booking at the start and end of the season.